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考查考生歸納文章中心思想或判斷作者寫作意圖的能力。題型包括概括文章中心思想及判斷寫作意圖?! ?br /> 主旨題常見提問方式:  
What is the main idea/topic/subject/purpose of the passage?

What is the passage mainly about/concerned with? 

What does the passage mainly discuss/talk about?

What is the point the author makes in the passage? 

The passage is meant/intended to__________. 

Which of the following would be the best/most appropriate title for the passage?

Which of the following could best summarize the passage?

The main idea of the second paragraph is________.


According to the passage, when(where,why,who,which,how)because_______.
The reason for is that_______.
The example in the second paragraph is used to illustrate____.
The author wants to prove with the example of that_______.


The word“?”in Paragraph X/Line X probably means_____.  
Which of the following is closest/nearest in meaning to the word“?”?  
The word“?”could best be replaced by _______.  
By“?”,the author means ______.  
“it/they/them”in Line X refers to/stands for _______.  
In Line X, the phrase“?”probably means _______.  
The sentence“?”in the second paragraph implies that _____.  


以問題詞語所在的上下文作為分析判斷的依據(jù)?!?br />  
(1)根據(jù)文中對該詞的定義來確定。定義性質(zhì)的詞語有:be,mean,be defined as,be called,be known as,be referred to as,be what is called等。  The ability to judge rightly and separate the true from the false is what is called good sense.  
(2)根據(jù)文中的舉例來推測。表示舉例的詞語有:like, such as,for example,for instance等?! conomy,real goods such as automobiles,shoes,and pizzas are traded against each other.  
(3)利用上下文對該詞所表示的事物、性質(zhì)等的進(jìn)一步敘述來推測。常用的手段包括定語從句、破折號以及that is, i.e., in other words, namely等詞語。  In the long run,participation in the information age may not be a zero sum game,where if some groups win,others must lose.  The government’s analysis spells out so-called digital divide.That is,the digital explosion is not booming at the same pace for everyone.  

(4)依據(jù)同位語進(jìn)行推測?! ?br />
A variety of explanations have been proposed by psychologists for this childhood amnesia(童年失憶癥).
One argues that the hippocampus,the region of the brain which is responsible for forming memories,does not mature until about the age of two. 

含有對比意義的詞語有:while,whereas,in contrast,by comparison,but等。
He is easy-going,whereas his brother is difficult to get on with.  
Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy.
Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier,have better marriages and more respectable occupations.
Personal consultants give better advice for finding jobs.Even judges are softer on attractive defendants.But in the executive circle,beauty can become a liability. 


What is the author’s attitude towards?  
The tone of the author/passage is______.

Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas.  
Can bilingual programs that emphasize cultural pride successfully teach the English language skills that students need to succeed in American society?  
subjective(主觀的) objective (客觀的)  partial(偏袒的) impartial (公正的)  biased(有偏見的) unbiased (客觀的)  prejudiced (有偏見的) neutral (中立的)  positive (積極的,肯定的)negative(消極的,否定的)  indifferent (無所謂的) supportive(支持的)  optimistic (樂觀的) pessimistic (悲觀的)  critical (批評的) sympathetic (同情的)  exaggerating (夸張的) suspicious (懷疑的)  skeptical (懷疑的) doubtful (懷疑的)  ironical (諷刺的) sarcastic (諷刺的)


It can be inferred/concluded from the passage that______.  
We can infer/conclude from the passage that________.  
The passage implies/suggests that________.  
Which of the following has most probably been discussed before the passage?  
Which of the following will most likely be discussed after the passage?



考查考生基于文章內(nèi)容“去偽存真”的能力。題型為真?zhèn)伪鎰e?! ?br /> 是非判斷題常見提問方式:  
Which of the following statements is true/false according to the passage?  
Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?  
All of the following statements are true/false EXCEPT_________.  
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

是非判斷題的解題技巧  審視每一個選項,采用排除法確定正確答案。
