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2016-04-28 15:08 | 太奇MBA網(wǎng)

管理類碩士官方備考群,考生互動,擇校評估,真題討論 點擊加入備考群>>

  complex adj. 復雜的, 合成的, 綜合的 n.聯(lián)合體

  解析:【同】complex, complicated, intricate, involved

  【辨析】complex 暗示相關部分的關系;

  The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations.


  To one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology.


  complicated 強調(diào)各部分之間的細微關系;

  Middle Eastern politics is so complicated that even experts cannot agree on a cohesive



  intricate 著重于各部分交織在一起很難區(qū)分或分析:如克里特島的迷宮。

  involved 強調(diào)若是把各部分混在一起將是難以區(qū)分的:想象漩渦的形狀。

  The plot of the play has been criticized as being too involved.


  computer n. 計算機, 電腦

  解析:【辨析】計算器是 calculator

  computer-based adj. 利用[借助]計算機的

  computerman n. 計算機工作人員;計算機專家

  computer-oriented adj. 研制計算機的

  computer-polled adj. 計算機登記的;計算機選擇的

  conclusion n. 結(jié)束, 締結(jié), 結(jié)論

  解析:in conclusion 最后,總之

  bring a matter to a speedy conclusion 使事情迅速結(jié)束

  the conclusion of a peace treaty 締結(jié)和約

  conclusion of business 成交

  a foregone conclusion 早已確定的事,必然的結(jié)果,毫無疑問的事

  arrive at(come to, draw, reach) a conclusion 得出結(jié)論,告一段落

  at the conclusion of 當... 完結(jié)時

  bring to a conclusion 使結(jié)束;談定(買賣等)

  come to the conclusion that... 所得結(jié)論是…,


  draw the conclusion 得出結(jié)論,推斷

  leap (jump) to a conclusion 冒然斷定,過早下結(jié)論

  try conclusions with 和... 決最后勝負,爭(最后)優(yōu)劣;試驗

  conduct n. 行為, 操行 v.引導, 管理, 為人, 傳導

  解析:a theory of conduct 品行論

  a bad conduct 惡劣行為

  infamous conduct 違反職業(yè)道德的行為(特指醫(yī)生)

  safe conduct( 戰(zhàn)時)通行證

  under the conduct of 在... 指導[管理]下

  His conduct of the business was very successful.


  consequences n. 結(jié)果, 【邏】推理, 推論, 因果關系, 重要的地位

  解析:answer for the consequences 對后果負責

  as a consequence 因而,結(jié)果

  face the consequences of one's action 自食其果

  in consequence 因此,結(jié)果

  in consequence of... 的結(jié)果,因為... 的緣故,由于

  of consequence 有勢力的;重要的

  take the consequences 自食其果,承擔責任

  take upon oneself the consequences 自己承擔后果

  without negative consequence 沒有副作用

  without reflecting on the consequences 不顧后果


